How to Remove Cavity From Teeth

Remove Cavities at Home: Natural and Effective Tips

 Cavities become a threat and cause unexpected and unwanted tooth pain. When it expands or spreads it even partially or completely decays the tooth. 

Wondering, sensing or experiencing something similar? Feeling the pain in your teeth or difficulty eating anything? Let’s get to the core of getting this cavity completely removed. 

What are Cavities?


When a certain area in the tooth decays permanently, leaving a hole in its place, this tooth condition is known as a cavity. At times, a cavity can harm other tooth structures and a person can have more than one cavity at a time.

Having a cavity needs immediate repair or protection before it spreads and decays the tooth completely or affects other teeth. A cavity can be the result of carelessness and must be taken seriously. 

What Causes Cavities?

Cavity Causes

Cavity or cavities can be the result of poor hygiene, and a lack of keeping your mouth clean and healthy. It is also affected due to back eating habits, not following the regular or routine habit of doing brush and mouthwash or having extra sugar, and bacteria affecting the teeth.

What are the Symptoms of Cavities?

It is very essential to get hold of any medical condition as soon as possible so that one can treat it themselves or approach a specific doctor for the cure. To do so, knowing the symptoms accurately is the first most step to eliminating its effect.

Sometimes, we might mistake cavities for other conditions associated with teeth. So, let’s look, understand and learn the major symptoms that help to identify clearly if it is a cavity or not. 

  • Sensitivity in your affected tooth Having tooth sensitivity is one of the prior reasons for it can be a cavity that is causing it. Sensitivity can be extremely painful and often doesn’t go on its own. During this time, avoiding anything hot or cold needs to be avoided. 
  • Little to extreme pain while intaking food or drink In case of starting to experience pain while drinking or even eating meals, it can be an initial sign that your tooth has been affected due to one or the other causes of the cavity. During this time, shift meals to a soft and less sugar diet. 
  • Pain due to toothache The biggest symptom of all is a toothache. This ache might make it difficult to intake even a single bite, one must not delay taking action in such a situation. 
  • Pain while breaking down food If the tooth bite is giving immense pain and making it difficult to bite, it can be a reason that the tooth cavity has affected its condition. 
  • Stain in or around the tooth When the above-mentioned symptoms appear, one, few or all, a decay usually causes a stain or hole, this is a visible sign that it is a cavity.

Can You Get Rid of Cavities?

Though a cavity is a permanent decay and may or may not be curable, consulting the dentist is the right choice to ensure any ways to cure the condition. A dentist will examine the depth of the cavity, how deeply the decay has affected and if it is still in the condition to be safeguarded. 

Can a person get rid of cavities at home?

To protect your teeth from causing a cavity, or deepening the cavity, one can surely bring improvement in their oral hygiene, brush regularly and avoid sugary items. But, in case of getting rid of the cavity from the core, it is advisable to contact the dentist for a proper clinical examination and the safest treatment. 

Types of Cavity Treatment 

Dental treatment has different types of treatment available to keep the teeth safe from getting affected by bacteria or other infections. Such as, in case of developing one or more cavities one can opt for any of the following methods of treatment. 

  • Root Canal When the tooth is deeply affected and it got hold of the root area, a root canal is prescribed as the ideal treatment procedure.

In this, the dentist opens up your teeth, removes the pulp, reaches out to the root and cleans the tooth of any infection. Finally, with the help of a filling, it closes back the tooth.

  • Extraction of teeth When the root canal does not provide a satisfactory solution and removes the cavity and its infection. The ultimate solution due to severe delay is to completely extract the tooth from its root canal. This ultimately saves other teeth from getting infected and stops the pain. 
  • Teeth crowns Crowns are the safeguard capping to the teeth. Here, the dentist through the crowning procedure provides the teeth with an extra custom. made capping covering of strong protection to ensure it from getting affected again. 
  • Fillings of tooth Post cleaning the area by removing the decayed material from the tooth, filling it is another treatment done for the cavity to be created again. This is a simple and safe method. The dentist fills the tooth with a special substance of gold, silver or composite resin. 

Tips for Preventing Cavities

The best way to safeguard the condition and protect it from worsening any more till the appointment is fixed with the dentist for the cavity removal treatment, the following ways can be taken into consideration 

5 Ways to Prevent Cavities

1. Brushing Regularly

To keep your teeth healthy and clean, brushing is a habit that is taught since childhood, we often forget it as we grow up. This causes tooth decay. Thus, prevent yourself from such a condition by inculcating this simple habit of brushing twice a day. Once, in the morning and a second before going to bed. 

brushing regularly

2. Cutting sugar intake

It is known that sugary items are the fastest way to harm the teeth. To protect, have long-lasting healthy teeth and protect from decay or dents, cutting off sugar is a smart action.

cutting sugar

3. Regular follow-up with Your Dentist

Knowing the current condition of your teeth, keeping track and getting them cleaned regularly is very essential. It not only keeps it safe for now but gives a long-lasting promising benefit. 


4. Rinse after Every Meal

Brushing your teeth is important, which is done twice a day, at the start and the end, rinsing your mouth can be a simple yet powerful habit of preventing it the whole day. It protects your teeth then and there, not letting any sticky items or bits of chunks remain in the mouth the whole day long.

rinse after every meal

5. No smoking

Smoking has plenty of risks already, this list includes causing severe risks to the health and hygiene of teeth. Thus, quitting smoking keeps your teeth away from any harm.

no smoking for teeth protection


Cavities are decaying holes that are dangerous if spread, precautionary measures from the very beginning can safeguard it from getting severe or damaging the affected tooth and its surrounding. Given this as the primary reason, one must get in touch with the dentist in case. experiencing anything similar to it. 

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Frequently Asked Questions on How to Remove Cavity

Can you remove cavities at home?

A cavity in the teeth can only be treated and removed medically through dental treatment. If experiencing a cavity in your teeth, the only best option is to reach out to the dentist before it gets deeper to the root or affects other teeth. 

Can a cavity be removed without filling?

As the studies clarify and state, a cavity cannot be successfully removed without doing the filling step. Post cleansing of the decay, filling the cavity can help protect and cover the teeth completely.

 Can a cavity go away with brushing?

n the initial stage, through oral hygiene, one can certainly reverse the effect of a cavity. This may include mouthwash, keeping your teeth and mouth in good condition and most importantly, brushing twice a day should not be neglected, no matter what. 
But, if the cavity has worsened, if it is causing severe decay or pain, only a dentist can cure the condition by properly and medically treating the cavity. 

How can I fix cavities naturally?

Some of the best ways to treat and completely reverse the effect of a cavity can be through following steps such as changing the diet you follow, brushing your teeth in all directions equally, try green tea or neem bark or oil of cloves. Any or all are beneficial to reduce or eliminate the cavity, may it be one or more.

 How does salt get rid of cavities?

As it is known to many people now that cavities are formed because of the bacteria created in the mouth area. Using salt water is super effective, it has the potential to fight back against the bacteria and the delay caused due to it.

Is there a toothpaste that heals cavities?

In case of protecting the teeth to delay or getting in contact with bacteria, which as result forms cavities, the experts have found some worthy a try toothpaste, made out of solutions effective to treat such cavities or kill the bacteria. 
These are such as Hydroxyapatite, Colgate cavity protection toothpaste and more such good options can be tried out. Also, any toothpaste with remineralizing ability to have fluoride can help in healing faster.

Do fillings make teeth weaker?

In most cases, fillings have been found to deliver a positive response toward the overall treatment and health of the cavity. Teeth have no strong effect due to the fillings. Though, sometimes when the fillings are done, the dentist might do a shaping or redo of the teeth structure, which can make the teeth a little weak.