varicose vien

Varicose Veins: Know the Causes, Symptoms & Treatments

Varicose veins are twisted, bulging veins that most commonly develop on the legs. Varicose veins are most typically found in the legs. This is because standing and walking raise the strain or tension in the lower body’s veins. Varicosities, also referred to as Varicoses, arise when the veins become enlarged, swollen, and clogged with blood. These are often red or bluish-purple in hue. They are frequently excruciating. The illness is quite frequent, particularly in women.

Varicose veins affect around 25% of all individuals. The disease most commonly develops in the lower legs. Doctors frequently use a physical exam to identify varicose-veins. Further testing may be required at times. Before moving on, let’s read about its causes, symptoms, stages, and all the treatments available.

Causes of Varicose Veins

Veins are caused by problems with the valves in the veins, which prohibit normal blood circulation. Yet, additional factors may cause you to experience the symptoms. These are the following:

Family History and Genetics

Varicose veins are heritable (a genetic disorder). Individuals might inherit vascular difficulties or be raised with vein anomalies that can lead to the development of varicose-veins. When you notice symptoms in youngsters, it is typically assumed to be a hereditary disorder.

Age and gender

Due to stress and damage to vascular valves, the risk rises with age. Valves and vein walls no longer function as well as they previously did due to aging. Veins lose flexibility and become rigid.

Females are more likely than guys to develop varicose veins. Hormones in women might be relaxing veins. They are more common in pregnant women who are taking birth control tablets or experiencing menopause because of hormonal levels shifts.

Obesity and Lack of Physical Activity

If you have an unhealthy lifestyle or are obese, you may be more prone to varicose veins.

The excess body fat compresses the vein walls, weakening the fragile valves that allow blood to circulate from the extremities to your heart. Moreover, a sedentary lifestyle encourages venous gathering in the distal extremities, raising the likelihood of varicose vein formation.

Pregnancy and Hormonal Changes

Varicose veins are more prevalent during pregnancy due to hormonal changes and a load of your expanding baby. This is related to increased amounts of progesterone. It is a hormone that softens blood vessel walls and lowers valve performance.

Prolonged Sitting or Standing

Long durations of sitting or standing can induce blood to accumulate in the leg veins, raising the tension inside the veins. The increasing pressure might cause veins to stretch. This may deteriorate the vein walls and harm the valves.

Other medical conditions

Varicose veins can develop due to any ailment that strains the abdomen or legs excessively. Pregnancy, overweight, and prolonged standing, previous leg injury constitute the most prevalent pressure inducers. They can be caused by chronic constipation and, in rare situations, tumors. Sedentism may also lead to varicosity because out-of-shape muscles provide an inefficient blood-pumping function.

Symptoms of Varicose Veins

After knowing the causes of varicose-veins, you must have ample knowledge about its symptoms. It would help you to detect the problem earlier and get treatments sooner. So, let’s start knowing them all.

Physical Symptoms

They are caused by faulty blood vessels within the legs. The following are some physical symptoms that might be visible when you have this vein disease.

Bulging and twisted veins

As the vein’s blood pressure rises, the weaker walls allow it to expand. The valves that maintain blood flow in one channel in the vein can’t function smoothly when your vein expands. Slowly flowing blood reinforces or accumulates in the vein, causing it to expand, bulge, and distort.

Pain and Discomfort

They can cause pain and discomfort in some persons. Besides their characteristic look, varicose veins can cause hurting, heavy, and unpleasant legs. Feet and ankles are swollen.

Swelling and inflammation

If you are in pain and notice inflammation and swelling, this might indicate a more serious condition of varicose veins, and you should see a doctor.

Skin changes and ulcers

Varicose veins are a chronic skin condition primarily affecting the lower legs. When the situation worsens, the color of the afflicted region in the legs seems to change. It might be dark blue or purple in color.

Moreover, this disease raises the chance of getting venous ulcers. When leg veins fail to circulate blood effectively, blood collects in the legs, causing venous dysfunction ulcers.

Emotional Symptoms

Varicose veins not only lead to physical stress and symptoms. It may have some emotional symptoms too. Feelings of shame and self-consciousness about how the damaged body part appears in public might be emotional symptoms.

Self-consciousness and Embarrassment

Varicose veins can cause physical discomfort but may also have a detrimental psychological impact. Many people with varicose veins are self-conscious and ashamed of their legs’ appearance, contributing to anxiety and melancholy. They may fear social settings like wearing a skirt or shorts or visiting the beach. This can increase their sense of loneliness and poor self-esteem.

Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety and depression are also higher in those who have varicose veins. People with varicose veins were more likely to experience anxiety and depression than those without the problem.

Stages of Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are swollen, aberrant veins that develop in the legs. They can cause itching, soreness, and discomfort. The condition often occurs due to physical or hormonal changes in the body, including pregnancy, menopause, and aging. Varicose veins, if left untreated, can lead to more significant consequences, such as ulcers and infections. The following are the phases of varicose veins:

Stage 1: Spider Veins:

The first stage of varicose veins is the simplest to ignore, and it typically goes unnoticed since there are no indicators of irritation or tenderness. Spider veins are often seen as an unsightly irritation of flat, tiny, bluish-purple veins just below the skin’s surface.

Stage 2: Varicose Veins Form:

The presence of varicose veins represents the second stage of varicose veins. Large, swollen, bulging veins usually appear on the lower extremities. Varicose veins may not affect some people, but they can be uncomfortable for others.

Stage 3: Edema:

If varicose veins are not treated, they develop into the third stage (edema), which causes inflammation in the legs and ankles. Leg inflammation is frequently associated with decreased blood circulation. When your leg veins do not function properly, your body cannot digest additional fluid, resulting in leg edema.

Stage 4: Skin Changes or Discoloration:

The skin color around the varicose veins varies in the fourth varicose veins stage. Most patients are in pain and experience sensations of discomfort and irritation around their varicose veins throughout this stage of vein disease. Blood accumulation can change skin color in the legs, particularly around the ankles.

Stage 5: Ulcers:

The most serious and dangerous stage of varicose veins is when ulcers occur due to poor blood circulation. Ulcers are open wounds that never heal entirely. When blood cannot circulate, nutrients cannot access the skin to promote healing.

Diagnosis of Varicose Veins

A doctor’s physical examination, primarily visual, will assist in evaluating whether a patient suffers from varicose veins. Some of the tests used to diagnose the disorder are listed below.

Physical examination and medical history

If your doctor suspects or suspects that you have varicose veins, they will request a physical examination. The patient must stand while the doctor examines the region for signs of inflammation. They will also enquire about your prior medical records and if you or any of your family members have ever been diagnosed with this ailment.

Ultrasound Imaging

A doppler test also called a duplex ultrasound, may be recommended by a doctor if they notice any symptoms. The expert may perform this test in one or both versions. The versions are Grayscale B-mode ultrasonography and color-flow doppler ultrasound imaging.

Gray scale B-mode ultrasonography reveals the veins’ anatomical structure. Color-flow doppler ultrasonography, on the other hand, offers color views of vein anatomy and evaluates blood flow speed.

Other Diagnostic Tests

Venography, an x-ray examination, is another diagnostic test. It employs a contrast material infusion to display how blood circulates throughout the veins. It can detect blood clots or check varicose veins before surgery.

Treatment of Varicose Veins

Vascular varicose veins are veins that are unusually large and swollen and can be found in the legs. These arise when the valves connecting your legs’ veins and arteries weaken or break. If left untreated, Vascular Varicose Veins can cause pain, discomfort, and restricted mobility. As a result, it must be treated as quickly as possible. Below are some of the best treatments to try.

Lifestyle changes

The following lifestyle adjustments may help avoid the formation or worsening of varicose veins.

  • Stop standing or walking for a long time.
  • Lose weight or stay in a range of healthy weights.
  • Boost your blood circulation by exercising.

If you currently experience varicose veins, you must take the following precautions to avoid developing new ones.

Compression stockings

Compression stockings provide pressure onto the veins. It relieves pain by squeezing the veins. This compression can help improve blood flow and avoid the growth of new varicose veins.


A healthcare provider injects a chemical into the vein during sclerotherapy, causing the walls to stick collectively. The vein gradually turns into a scar and disappears with time.

Endovenous Laser therapy

Laser is a gadget that produces a narrow beam of light emission. Laser treatment decreases and closes the varicose vein, inducing scar tissue inside the vessel. This completes the affected vein. Meanwhile, the blood transits through further neighboring veins.

Vein Stripping and Ligation

Vein ligation and stripping is a basic surgical procedure. It’s employed to eliminate a diseased vein and minimize vein damage problems. If numerous valves of a vein are severely damaged, the vein is excised or stripped in this procedure.

Other surgical procedures

Nowadays, various invasive procedures and varicose vein therapy alternatives are accessible. These are some examples:

  • Microsclerotherapy is a procedure that employs a liquid chemical injection to seal off tiny veins.
  • Endovenous ablation therapy involves administering radiofrequency radiation and heat to seal off a vein.
  • Endoscopic vein surgery involves inserting a tiny illuminated scope with a small incision to seal off a vein.

Before deciding on a treatment approach, you must consult your doctor regarding your choices and the dangers. The treatment approach advised will be determined by your symptoms, the thickness, and the site where the varicose vein grows.

Prevention of Varicose Veins

Varicose veins can cause discomfort and even agony in your legs as they grow in size. This is why taking precautions is critical to prevent varicose veins from forming or worsening. You may achieve this by leading a healthy lifestyle and paying attention to your body’s sickness indications and symptoms.

Eating healthy and exercising regularly will help you maintain your general health and avoid problems like varicose veins from forming. Get medical assistance if you have any persistent or worsening symptoms, such as discomfort or swelling in your legs, that you can’t explain after a few days. In short, the best prevention methods to avoid varicose veins are as follows:

  1. Exercising and indulging in physical activity.
  2. Consuming a healthy diet and managing weight.
  3. Avoid prolonged sitting or standing.
  4. Wearing compression stockings.
  5. Elevating legs when lying or sitting and taking breaks in between.


This is the site for you if you want information on varicose veins. You will better understand the issue and be capable of making informed judgments regarding your treatment options after going over the important aspects of causes, symptoms, treatments, and diagnosis of varicose veins.

Furthermore, early detection and treatment of varicose veins can help prevent the issue from deteriorating, leading to additional difficulties. Varicose veins, if left untreated, can develop more significant consequences, such as skin ulcers, blood clots, or deep vein thrombosis (DVT). So, if you have varicose veins symptoms or are concerned about your chance of getting the disease, you must speak with a healthcare expert.

Frequent Asked Question

What causes varicose veins?

Varicose veins are twisted, dilated veins that typically appear on the legs. Varicose veins are quite common in the legs. This is because walking and standing increase the tension or pressure in the veins of the lower body. Varicose veins, also known as varicosities, occur when the veins grow enlarged, bloated, and blocked with blood.

Who is most likely to develop varicose veins?

Because of hormonal fluctuations during menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause, women are more prone to acquire the illness.

Are there any risk factors for varicose veins?

Varicose veins are often not dangerous. Nonetheless, difficulties are possible. They are as follows:

  • Vein inflammation or edema (phlebitis)
  • Clots in the blood

What are the symptoms of varicose veins?

The basic symptoms of varicose veins are prominent, distorted veins on your legs. Pain, heaviness, and achy muscles may also occur over or near the enlarged veins. Swelling and discoloration might occur in some circumstances. The veins may bleed profusely in extreme situations, and ulcers may emerge.

How are varicose veins diagnosed?

A medical exam can be used to diagnose the disease by healthcare professionals. They will detect and study your veins when you are sitting or standing. Your doctor may recommend an ultrasound to take detailed images of your veins and check for any problems.

Can varicose veins be prevented?

Yes, varicose veins can be prevented with certain changes in your diet, lifestyle habits, and dietary consumption. Flavonoids are found in vegetables like onions, spinach, bell peppers, and broccoli. Fruits that include flavonoids are citrus fruits, cherries, grapes, apples, and blueberries.

What are some non-surgical treatments for varicose veins?

Some non-invasive treatments for varicose veins are Sclerotherapy, Laser treatment, Phlebectomy, and Ablation.

Is there any home remedy for treating varicose veins?

Consuming more flavonoids can assist in lowering artery blood pressure and unwinding blood vessels, which can help to decrease varicose veins.

When is surgery recommended for varicose veins?

Treatment for varicose veins is not always required. You may not require treatment if your varicose veins are not bothering you. Treatment for varicose veins is typically only required if they are giving you serious pain or discomfort.

How long does it take to recover from varicose vein surgery?

You should relax for 3 to 7 days after the varicose vein surgery. Moreover, the number of veins removed determines the amount of time it takes you to recover.

Can varicose veins return after treatment?

Many patients have great results from surgical interventions to remove numerous varicose veins. However, varicose veins might reappear.

Are there any side effects associated with varicose vein treatment?

The risks include bleeding, infection, scarring, blood clots, blood vessel injury, nerve injury, lymphatic damage, persistent swelling, and accidental harm to nearby tissues.

Is it safe to exercise with varicose veins?

Activity increases muscular tone in the legs, which aids blood return to the heart. Frequent, cardiovascular, and low-impact exercise can also help lessen the symptoms of varicose veins.